Payment & Billing Options

Monthly Installments

  • Down Payment + 10 Equal Installments: Available for our General Liability (GL) product. (BOP option coming soon!)
  • Pay in Advance: You may also choose to pay in full.
  • Fixed Payment Date: Currently, we don’t offer the option to change the payment date.

Annual / Full-Pay

  • Paid in Full at Purchase: Annual policies are paid in full at the time of purchase.

Billing Information

  • Automatic Billing: All Thimble billing is automatic, recurring, and direct bill.
  • Direct Bill Only: We do not offer bill-by-mail or agency billing options at this time.

Accepted Payment Methods

Thimble accepts:

  • All Major Debit and Credit Cards, including international cards.
  • ACH/Banking Information (for General Liability only): If you send the quote directly to your customer, they will have the option to use their ACH/banking information through our secure integration with Plaid.

Handling Declined Payments

We use Stripe to process payments. If a payment is declined, this means the bank has not authorized the transaction. Unfortunately, banks typically do not share detailed reasons for declines, but any information from Stripe will be shown in the decline message.

Common Reasons for Declined Payments:

  1. Insufficient Funds: Ensure there are enough funds available to cover the premium amount.
  2. Bank Security Measures: Anti-fraud protections or similar security checks may block a charge. Customers should contact their bank if this occurs.
  3. Card Restrictions: Some cards restrict transactions to specific business types or have international purchase limitations.

Important: Thimble cannot assist with declined transactions due to security and privacy reasons. Only the cardholder can reach out to their bank for more details.

If a payment is declined, customers can:

  • Contact their bank using the number on the back of their card.
  • Use a Different Card: To add a new card, simply click the “card details” link on the checkout page, enter the new information, and proceed with checkout.


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