Edit Existing Quote

Editing quotes is easy for you and your clients. After sending a quote, go to the “Quotes”  section of the Thimble Broker Portal and find the quote you want to edit. You can scroll through all your quotes in the “All” tab; enter the client’s name, email, or business name in the search bar; or click on the “Saved Quotes” tab to find a recently saved quote. Click on the “Update Quote” button  on the right.


This will take you to the quote, where you’ll see a link that says “your previous answers”

Click on this link to see a list of your saved answers and choose a question you want to modify. Click on the “Edit” link to update your answer and save it when done. 

When everything looks good, you’ll return to this screen where you can download a new quote letter or send an updated quote to your client.


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